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CodePen Projects

A sampling of some games and experiments I've built on CodePen, mostly in Vue, but some in React or vanilla JS as well.

You can also find my work on GitHub (although truth be told I don't really bother curating it there at all.)

Sliding Puzzle in Vue

See the Pen Sliding Puzzle in Vue by Josh Collinsworth (@collinsworth) on CodePen.

Custom Accessible Vue Emoji Slider

See the Pen Custom Accessible Vue Emoji Slider by Josh Collinsworth (@collinsworth) on CodePen.

Emoji Pick Two

See the Pen Emoji Pick Two by Josh Collinsworth (@collinsworth) on CodePen.

Vue Hangman

See the Pen Vue Hangman by Josh Collinsworth (@collinsworth) on CodePen.

Interactive CSS Filter React Component

See the Pen Interactive CSS Filter React Component (with GIFs!) by Josh Collinsworth (@collinsworth) on CodePen.

React Color Flood Game

See the Pen Color Flood Game with Colorblind Mode (React + CSS Grid) by Josh Collinsworth (@collinsworth) on CodePen.

Connect Four in Vue and CSS

See the Pen Connect Four in Vue and CSS by Josh Collinsworth (@collinsworth) on CodePen.